Mode Meetup: Impact Talks

On Monday, March 18 2024, the ‘Mode Meetup: Impact Talks’ took place, a part of FTI Hasselt that was put together by MASJIEN. Companies from all corners of the ecosystem shared insights about a circular fashion industry and what you need to know as a fashion entrepreneur or retailer for the future. 

Discover the future of textile recycling, new business models and the cost of sustainability. We not only look at technological innovations, but also at the role of the customer. What hinders them? Who really cares about sustainability?

Panel discussion: Will we recycle our way out of trouble soon? with Frank Dingemans (Kringwinkel Antwerp), Julie Lietaer (European Spinning Group/Ariadne Innovation), Tom Duhoux (VITO) and Jasmien Wynants (MASJIEN) as moderator.

Panel discussion: How does the customer view sustainability and what is the role of fashion brands? with Peter Perquy (DurorGroup – Terre Bleue/Zilton/Gigue), Charlotte De Vooght (Filou & Friends), Sara Kovic (Okret) and Simon Gryspeert (Flanders DC) as moderator.

Panel discussion: What is the role of retailers and fashion designers towards a sustainable future? with Jordy Arthur, Marylène Madou and Matteo La Rosa from the Limburg Zes and Ann Claes (Masjien) as moderator.

This meetup was organised by MASJIEN as part of the Flanders Technology & Innovation Festival in Hasselt. MASJIEN did not only organize this B2B event, but was also curator for a full blown B2C track inspiring the broad audience on circularity in the fashion system. Check out more here.


In partnership with VITO, Stad Hasselt, Thomas More & Flanders DC