Interview Knack Weekend: How do we create a more beautiful fashion sector? 9 Tips from responsible fashion fans for Fashion Revolution Day

Today is Fashion Revolution Day and also the 11 year anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh where 1,134 people were killed and more than 2,500 others got injured, because the building collapsed. During Fashion Revolution Week, we remember the lives lost and demand that no one should die for fashion.

Each year Fashion Revolution Week has a theme and this year it’s ‘How to be a fashion revolutionary’. Knack reached out to ask Jasmien and 8 others for a tip on how you can have an impact on the fashion sector.

Jasmien’s tip? Chat while shopping. With each other and with the people in the store. You will find that it makes the shopping experience more fun, interesting and sustainable.

In the article, Jasmien mentioned that she recently went shopping with my dear friend Laura in  Barcelona and with a group of friends in Brussels. She discovered some nice local stores and brands during her trip and wanted to share two of her favorite past ‘shopping  = chatting’ experiences : 

  • Psyche Store in Brussel where Jasmien bought a pièce unique jacket by Eva Maria Bogaert. Eva works with fabric surpluses, end-of-series and accidental finds. Once a piece is sold, there will be no second. While standing in the store, the shop personnel and her friends actually helped her answer the question ‘Will I wear it 30 times?’ out loud. 
  • Recraft in Barcelona. They give hot air balloons a second life by making hats, bags, coats and so much more. They had a great chat with founder Tomas, who explained the difficulties of pricing and sustainable entrepreneurship with his amazing start-up.

Masjien would like to end with reminding you that anyone can have an impact on the sector. If we want to change the current circumstances we always need activists to stand on the barricades to demand action, but that doesn’t mean that there is nothing that you can do. The slogan of this year’s Fashion Revolution Week is ‘There are different ways to take part in the revolution’ and I couldn’t agree more.

Make sure to also read the useful tips from Elisabeth Van Lierop, Niki de Schryver (COSH!), Eline Reynders, Jonathan Janssens (Fair Fashion Fest Gent), Laura Van De Woestyne, Nina Maat (MUCE),Marieke Eyskoot and Fiore Farhand